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Dear ‘Jawan’ Brother,
The reason our country is safe and secure is because you are keeping us from the enemies. Without you, there will not be peace across the country. I miss you! On the occasion of raksha bandan I am here to tell you that you are the best brother in the world. Waiting to see you soon! Don’t forget my gift!
We miss you!
We are proud of you!
Jai Hind!
Take care!
To the bravest and the most loved Indian jawans,
sending our best wishes on the auspicious occasion of Raksha Bandhan….
You are like our brothers who are always there to
keep us safe and smiling by giving their lives and comforts…..
Happy Rakhi to you.
We may not tie Rakhi to you but despite that,
without any fail, during good and bad, from day and night,
in health and in sickness….
You are always standing like a strong shield protecting us
from our enemies and keeping us safe….
Wishing Indian army a very Happy Raksha Bandhan.
Dear ‘Jawan’ Brother,
On this propitious ‘Raksha Bandhan’
I write to you to convey my regards and best wishes for Rakhi
And for protecting me as you shield our Motherland India.
I shall always pray for your long life,
happiness and good health.
May you be rewarded with righteousness for the good work you do.
From a loving sister of our Mother India.
Our Raksha Bandhan celebrations
are incomplete without sending best wishes to
Indian soldiers on this special occasions because before anyone else,
you are the ones who deserve these wishes the most…..
We all love you and we all are proud of you.
On the occasion of Raksha Bandhan,
We, the citizens of India,
Are sending our best wishes to our Indian soldiers
Who have always been there for us whenever we needed them…..
Thank you for protecting us from all the threats!!!
Each and everyday of your life,
you have surrendered it to the protection of your countrymen….
We wish you good health and eternal happiness on
the occasion of Raksha Bandhan because you are the
ones who are always there to protect us from enemies.
Raksha Bandhan Wishes Messages for Indian Army in Hindi

राखी का त्यौहार हमें याद दिलाता है,
की वहां दूर सरहद पर कोई है,
जो हर लम्हा खड़ा रहकर हमारे देशा की,
हमारे परिवार की और हमारी रक्षा कर रहा है,
और आज हम उन सभी इंडियन आर्मी के
जवानों को रक्षा बंधन की शुभकामनाएं देते हैं।
राखी के अवसर पर सबसे पहली बधाई के हाकदार हमारे हिन्दुस्तानी जवान है जो बिना किसी राखी के ही हमारी रक्षा करते है,
हर मुश्किल से लड़ते है और अपने प्राण भी न्यौछावर करते है,
आपको राखी की हार्दिक शुभकामनाऐं।
सिर्फ एक सिपाही ही है जो बिना स्वार्थ के,
हर दिन हर रात, हर सुख में, हर दुख: में,
हर पर हमारी रक्षा करता है और मजबूत चट्टान की तरह खड़ा रहता है।
सभी जवान भाईयों को राखी की बहुत बहुत शुभकामानाऐं।
हमारा हर दिन खुशियों से भरा है,
हर शाम में सुकून है,
हर त्यौहार में रोनक है,
हर खुशी में रंगत है,
क्योंकि हिन्दुस्तान की आर्मी हर लम्हा
सरहद पर मजबूती के साथ खड़ी है…
हमारी इंडियन आर्मी को रक्षा-बंधन की ढेरो बधाई।
राखी के त्यौहार अधूरा है,
उन भाईयों के बिना,
जो सरहद पर पड़े होकर,
हर दिन हमारी रक्षा करते है,
ताकि हम सलामत रहें,
रक्षा बंधन पर हर हिन्दूस्तानी जवान को
राखी की खूब बधाईयां।
When a sister ties a thread,
Wanting her love to be spread,
Also demading a thing from her brother,
A promising protection necessary than anything other.
Again this festival comes and the sister smiled,
Expecting her demand to again be recognised,
Forgetting their true brothers serving in the borders,
Aren’t they the person who are the true rakhi owners.
Although my rakhi didn’t reach you,
Although my love didn’t reach you,
But your selfless protection reach us every moment,
The way you play a role of a brother is a bestowment.
Surely my words are much less than what you deserve,
Your service has made our nation preserve,
Don’t think you are away from your family as our love is always with you,
Brother, your sacrifices from my heart will never blew.