No love is greater than Mother’s love,
And no care is better than Father’s care.
Happy Parents’ Day!
Dear Mother and Father,
Happy Parent’s Day! Thank you for guiding me
through my life like a mentor and supporting me
like a true friend!
Happy Parents Day
Thank you for always being
my biggest supporter!
Happy Parents Day
Nothing is comparable to the sacrifices
which our parents made for us!
Happy Parent’s day to my folks!

Thanks a lot,
Dear parents for always staying by my side,
and filling up my world with love.
Dear mom and dad,
you are the reasons for all my smiles,
for all my comforts, for all my success…
I owe my life to you…
On the occasion of Parent’s Day,
I thank you for everything.
You Didn’t Make Me Happy Parents Day Wishes Status
No love is greater than Mother’s love, And no care is better than Father’s care. Best Quotes on Parents Day Image Share With Facebook and Whatsapp Friends and Family