if You Looking for A Best Friendship Day Greetings and Wishes for Your Best Friend Here is Good and Big Collection of Happy Friendship Day Wishes Quotes and Images

Sweet Fruits Nice to Eat,
Sweet Words Easy to Say,
Sweet Friend Hard to Find,
It’s My Goodness How Did I Find you.
Happy Friendship Day…
Alone I can say bt 2gthr v can chat,
Alone I can smile bt 2gthr we can laugh,
Alone I can live bt 2gthr we can celebrate.
Dis is the d magic of r friendship.

Friendship Is Like A Computer.
I Enter Your Life,
Save You In My Heart,
Format Your Problems,
And Never Delete You From My Memory.
Happy Friendship Day!
True friends are those,
Who care without hesitation,
Who remember without limitation,
Who forgive without explanation &
Who trust without communication.