A Best Collection of Top 10 Valentines Day Images and Text Messages for Friends, Husband & Wife, Very Romantic Cute Happy Valentines Day SMS for Facebook

Dear Husband, your love is special
It means the world to me
Your kisses and your hugs
And all of it comes free.. Happy Valentines Day

After all these years…
You make my heart melt
yes you do….
Here’s my Valentine
just for you!
Happy Valentines Day my Sweet Husband

You are my everything, Valentine.
As a desert creature longs for water,
my thirst for you can never be slaked.
In a ho-hum day dragging on,
thoughts of you bring excitement, joy and pleasure.
As a child opens the birthday gift he most wanted,
I see everything I want in you.
You are my everything, Valentine.

I fall deeper in your love
with everyday that comes my love,
every moment I spend with you feels
like a dream and today should be no different.
I love you. and Happy Valentines Day My Sweetheart

Boyfriends come and go,
but friends are forever!
Happy Valentines day!

The beauty of
love and friendship is that neither replace either.
Cheers to that on this Valentine’s Day.
Happy Valentines day My Friend!

Valentine’s Day reminds me
how meaningful my feelings are for you.
You have a special place in my world
that no one else could fill.
Out of your overflowing heart,
you add color and light to my life.
You continually cross my mind,
like a precious dose of sunshine,
lighting me up inside–
as I think of you
and the lasting memories
we have created together.
No Valentine gift
is as precious to me
as you are,
my Valentine friend. ——— Best Poems and Messages for Valentines Day

You are a
And much, much more …
But most of all –
The sweetest husband in the world.
Thank you for being my husband. ~~~~~ Valentines Day Wishes for Husband

You’re more special to me
than a world of wealth
I couldn’t be happy
with anyone else
Happy Valentines Day ———- Latest Valentines Day SMS Text Messages

I am yours, you are mine,
like the sun up above, together we shine.
We share a very special dream,
no other two make a better team.
I am your husband, you are my wife,
you are the best thing I’ve ever had in my life.
I love you. Happy Valentines Day My Sweet Wife

When you smile the room lights up,
When you laugh the sun comes out,
You are simply beautiful of that there is no doubt.
Words cannot describe in full how much you mean to me,
As you are simply beautiful as everyone can see.
I will always love you from the bottom of my heart,
From the day we vowed to become one, till death us both do part.
You are simply beautiful that I know for sure,
And every day that passes I love you more and more.

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